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Viral video sparks outrage over family's alleged abandonment of cats

Posted on: Jun 20, 2024 | Author: Siti smdsresources | Categories: Sharing
A video of a family suspected of abandoning cats on the streets has gone viral, sparking anger among netizens over their irresponsible action. 
Viral video sparks outrage over family's alleged abandonment of cats

KUALA LUMPUR: A video of a family suspected of abandoning cats on the streets has gone viral, sparking anger among netizens over their irresponsible action.

On the X platform, user @fourmeows posted a one-minute video of the family dumping cats in a neighbourhood street.

The original poster of the video clip expressed frustration at the family's apathy, noting their calm and remorseless demeanour when confronted.

"The informer has confronted them, saying the cats may get poisoned or hit by cars, but they nonchalantly responded "iye ek?"" the post read.The video has garnered over 401,000 views and 3,200 retweets since yesterday. Netizens expressed their outrage in the comments section.

A user @meeayusri asked how many cats were abandoned at the scene, to which the original poster replied that it was only two cats.

"I'm scared for them. Although some people are willing to keep an eye on them, but we can't seem to find them since two days ago as the cats are still hiding. Especially during the recent rainy season," they replied.

Another user, @techware042024, suggested the family should have left the cats at nearby markets as they might survive on scraps.

However, the original poster responded that there were better alternatives than dumping cats in public.

"Find other adopters or send them to paid animal shelters. The market is not safe for dumping cats, as many have been poisoned, scalded with hot water, infested with diseases and abused physically.

"This is based on my own experience and also from stray feeders' community and a NGO group."

User @CikZieJ expressed anger at irresponsible cat owners who do not neuter their pets.

"If you realise you cannot afford to raise them, you should be able to think rationally.

"There are many options online but people are usually lazy. They'd rather continue sinning than show empathy for cats."

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